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Key Stage 2

Boosting Motivation in Your KS2 Child: Strategies for Parents

02 October, 2023

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Boosting Motivation in Your KS2 Child: Strategies for Parents


The formative years of a child's educational journey, particularly the Key Stage 2 (KS2) phase, play a crucial role in shaping their relationship with learning. However, it's not uncommon for children at this stage to encounter bouts of dwindling motivation. As a parent, witnessing your child struggle with motivation can be concerning, but with the right approach, you can reignite their enthusiasm for learning. Our team of qualified teachers here at KSOL suggest how:


1. Open Lines of Communication:

Start by talking to your child. Try to understand what's causing their lack of motivation. It could be academic difficulties, social challenges, or even external factors unrelated to school.


2. Foster a Growth Mindset:

Teach your child that intelligence and skills can be developed. Mistakes and setbacks are a part of the learning curve, not failures.


3. Integrate Learning with Their Interests:

Connect academic concepts with things your child is passionate about. If they love space, for instance, leverage that interest to make maths or reading exercises more appealing.


4. Encourage Extracurricular Activities:

Hobbies, sports, or art classes can instil discipline, teamwork, and a sense of achievement – qualities that can spill over into academic motivation.


5. Stay Engaged with School Activities:

Attend parent-teacher meetings, school events, and workshops. Your active interest in their education can inspire a similar enthusiasm in your child.


6. Consider Peer Study Groups:

Studying with friends in a structured environment can make learning more enjoyable. It introduces different perspectives and can instil a collaborative spirit.


Whilst it's essential to support your KS2 child during periods of low motivation, it's equally crucial to ensure they understand that their worth isn't solely tied to academic achievements. With understanding, patience and consistent efforts, you can create an environment where your child feels inspired and motivated to learn.